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"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." - Oscar Wilde

Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines - Kathleen  Hayes

3.5 cute and sexy stars

Cute little story about friends becoming lovers despite some stupid mistakes. A nice "oppposites-attract"-theme going on there, too. All around sweet and easy, with a little bit of hurt and angst on the side. But, hello! Yummy guy with a big heart - in a KILT. What's not to like about it?

I was pleasently surprised by this story, especially because I despise corny pick-up lines, but with Edmund and Mack I was laughing a lot, in stead of getting annoyed. They just made it work!

The ending was fine, too. No sex, no smut - but it fit the bill perfectly. Smiles all around.