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"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." - Oscar Wilde

May 2016
reviewed: Status Update by Annabeth Albert
Maaaaan, I wanted to like this book so much! Unfortunately, I didn't. Usually Annabeth Albert is one of my favorite comfort...
Status Update - Annabeth Albert
May 2016
reviewed: Farm Fresh by Posy Roberts
So. This story made me very, VERY uncomfortable, but problably not for the reasons you think. Let me point out at first tha...
Farm Fresh (Naked Organics Book 1) - Posy Roberts
May 2016
reviewed: The Way You Are by L.J. Mile
Hot damn, would you please take a look at that cover?! Two guys and no perfect six pack in sight! Revolution! Seriously thoug...
The Way You Are - Rapha?l Anatole ?mile Blanchard
reviewed: Family Unit by Z.A. Maxfield
Can you call it a classic when it was published in 2009 by a bestselling author in the genre? I don't know, but I'm going...
Family Unit - Z.A. Maxfield
Initial reaction: My first read from Jenny Lawson and I loved it - I laughed and at the same time found Lawson's expansions o...
May 2016
reviewed: The Roommate Situation by Zoe X. Ryder
Here's to unexpected surprises, people! Because this one was absolutely not what I thought it would be! So, this one kind...
The Roommate Situation - Zoe X. Rider
reviewed: Baked Fresh by Annabeth Albert
Another hit by Annabeth Albert! She's still my go-to author for comfort reads. Shy baker VIc looses over 100 pounds after a...
Baked Fresh (Portland Heat) - Annabeth Albert
April 2016
reviewed: Delivered Fast by Annabeth Albert
Aaaaaah, hello happy place... What I wanted was happy, light and sexy. And that's exactly what I got. Annabeth Albert creat...
Delivered Fast - Annabeth Albert
reviewed: Smoky Mountain Dreams by Leta Blake
Hm, how to review this one? Firstly, after recent developments I was happy to add this book to the "My rep" shelf. Jesse,...
Smoky Mountain Dreams - Leta Blake
April 2016
Oh maaaan, where to begin? This was a hot mess. Let's begin with the MCs. Luke, the scruffy biker, was an interesting cha...
A Lesson in Pride - Jordan Chambers
March 2016
Join us again today as we talk about Hedgehog shifters, marriages of convenience, and give you another chance to win one of P...
This Brady character needs a little attitude adjustment. “Life is a crap carnival with shit prizes.”
Maybe I’ve read too many books or maybe I’ve developed a super smart brain in my old age (hey, it could happen) but I do beli...